in terms of cooking , it is used as an ingredient for sashimi , sushi , vinegared octopus , boiled octopus , and oden (a japanese dish containing all kinds of ingredients cooked in a special broth of soy sauce , sugar , sake , etc .) . 料理では刺身、寿司、酢だこ、煮だこ、おでんの具材に用いられる。
in terms of cooking , it is used as an ingredient for sashimi , sushi , vinegared octopus , boiled octopus , and oden (a japanese dish containing all kinds of ingredients cooked in a special broth of soy sauce , sugar , sake , etc .) . 料理では刺身、寿司、酢だこ、煮だこ、おでんの具材に用いられる。
a boiled octopus dish in the galician region of spain called ' polbo á feira ' (literally " fair style octopus " in galician ), or ' galician style octopus ' outside the galician region , is especially famous . 特にスペインガリシア州のポルボ・ア・フェイラ(Polbo á feira ガリシア語でタコの市場風の意)、ガリシア以外で「ガリシア風タコ」と呼ばれる茹で蛸料理が有名である。
there is a wide range of other additional ingredients , like chikuwa fish paste , kamaboko (steamed fish paste ), dried shredded fish seasoning (denbu ), cooked deep-fried tofu , seasoned koyadofu (freeze-dried tofu ), boiled octopus and shrimps , grilled conger eel and cooked squid . さらに竹輪や蒲鉾、田麩、油揚げの煮つけ、味を付けた高野豆腐、茹でた蛸・海老、焼マアナゴ、烏賊の煮付けなどさまざま。
the ingredients varies according to seasons and areas , but typically vinegared rice is covered with kinshi-tamago egg (a thin omelet cut into narrow strips ), and on it chopped ingredients are spread over , such as shiitake mushrooms and gourds (both simmered in soy broth ), boiled carrots , lotus roots pickled in vinegar , green peas , chikuwa fish paste , kamaboko (steamed fish paste ), dried shredded fish seasoning (denbu ), seasoned koyadofu (freeze-dried tofu ), boiled octopus , shrimp in shell , grilled conger eel , squid , mogai (sarubo ribbed ark ), japanese spanish mackerel (sawara ) and mamakari (japanese shad ), (but the ingredients such as mogai , shrimp and green peas are served whole ). 地域や季節によって内容が変わるが、酢飯の上に錦糸玉子を敷き詰め、その上に椎茸・干瓢の煮しめ、茹でニンジン、酢蓮根、エンドウ、竹輪、蒲鉾、田麩、味を付け高野豆腐、茹でた蛸、殻付の海老、焼穴子、烏賊、蛸、藻貝、鰆、ママカリのさまざまな具材を大きめに切断して(藻貝やエビ、エンドウなどは切らない)敷き詰める。